Saturday, June 20, 2009


Yesterday I bought some fillet's of beef, I did not look at them until today, yuck yuck, I pulled out a fillet and it was about 1 1/2 feet long gross. It smelled, all the meat in Kara smells funny, but it tastes fine after you put tons of spices on it or in it. I think my definition of fillet is a little different from there's. I cut them up and I am going to be preparing kabobs, with onions, tomatoes and peppers. If you know of a good marinade homemade I would love it, it is for beef. Thanks.


saheldormparents said...

Tiffy, when I go to market i ask for "escalope". it is less expensive than filet and i just put it in the crock pot for 24 hours as long as you have electiricity the whole time it is good and tender after a day. Other wise I have put it in a pressure cooker for about four hours with similar result, only you have to pay attention and make sure you have enough liquid. I put a couple of maggi cubes in the water, the chicken ones are the best. We had pork kabobs with Bebouts a couple of weeks ago, they are really good with onions, tomatoes and mango!! YUM!

Tiffany Shanks. said...

Thanks so much, I will try that. We just had kabobs the other day they were yummy. How are you doing?