Thursday, May 27, 2010

Update on this month.

Jesse is still going strong on learning the Kabiye language. He has added 2 more days a week with another teacher. He is enjoying it and he loves speaking to people in Kabiye and they love it also. Jesse has also been learning about gardening. This is one thing that is very important in a Togolese's life. We are in the process of starting a garden in our yard and we are both very excited about it.

We have a new pet his name is Bear, he is our German Shepherd puppy, he is very sweet. We got him when he was just 3 to 4 weeks old, he had many problems and we saved his little life. We are very thankful for Bear.

Joshua started French classes this month. He has class for 45 min a week and he is doing very very well. He now knows many of the colors in French and he is learning to count, and many more things. Joshua's teacher is a great encourager and Joshua talks about her often during the week.

This month has been an interesting month with Joshua and his health. First thing was he had a strange spot on his thigh, that looked like ringworm, that would not go away. Finally with some triple antibiotic (can you buy that stuff in bulk like 1 gallon size lol?) it went away. I think I need a tube of antibiotic and some hydrogen peroxide just for his room, so I can just smear it all over him every night. After that problem cleared up, some more appeared on his bum. I knew how to take care of them so they cleared up fast. We had few more issues with some cuts and a bad cough. Soon after that I noticed something on his leg that looked like a mosquito bite, he said it itched but nothing more. Well, by the next morning it was a full blown infection. I sprayed it and put antibiotic on it, but it seemed to get worse. One of my greatest fear is Staff infection I am terrified of them. He had one. It finally cleared up after many tears on his part. While that was clearing up he said his elbow hurt. I thought to myself hear we go again. It was a strange thing on his elbow, it looked horrible. I believe he got something from the dirt and it started a infection in his elbow. Can you believe it, that Joshua would get something from the dirt. If you do not know Joshua, he loves dirt, he loves outside, by 10 in the morning he normally needs another shower because he is so dirty lol. I thought I would have to start him on another antibiotic because of the staff infection. But, thanks to hydrogen peroxide (my best friend in Africa) the problem is solved. Let me see anymore things? I think that is it.
He is doing great now, you would have never known he was sick.

Now for me, well I have started some French classes also with the same tutor, she has been a great encouragement to me. I am working on some French Grammar that I have forgotten or never learned. I have been learning a lot about the culture and have been spending a lot of time with our neighbors. I have been trying out a lot of new recipes. Every night Joshua comes in the kitchen and asks "Mom what are we having for dinner? Is it something I have tried, or is it a new recipe? Do I like it?" I have such a great kid, and a wonderful husband.
God has given me such a wonderful man and I am so thankful for him. Just recently I asked Jesse if we were allowed to still be this much in love. YES.
Another wonderful thing that happened in my life, I was able to bring home baby Ester from the hospital. Our next door neighbor had a baby and I went to visit her and she asked if I could bring her home. So I have decided our vehicle is the official vehicle for bringing home babies.

Interesting fact about Togo : Most older Togolese do not know how old they are. An older lady that I was speaking to was trying to discover how old she was. She was clapping her hands, and for every clap it was ten years, but she still could not discover what age she was. They start counting how old they are when they turn of age. This lady I believe is about 80 years old and has asked me for my hair, she wants me to shave it off for her so she can make a wig. Oh I wish I had a blond wig for her. I will try and get a picture of her to put on the blog.

Thank you for reading my ramblings about our life in Togo. I will try and write more often.

Keeping your eyes on God

Why is it during some difficult times we seem to take our eyes of God? The One who keeps the universe in order, the One who has given us life. Why did Peter take his eyes off Jesus when he was walking on the water? Like Peter I am so thankful for that loving hand that reaches out to me when I am falling and calling out His name. I truly serve an amazing God. I am so thankful for His mercy, grace and unconditional LOVE.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Back to work

Jesse and I decided that we would give Joshua a short break from school rather then a long summer break. He finished in the middle of April and had the rest of the month off.
We have just restarted school the 3rd of May. He was so excited because he is now in 2nd grade. He will have a break next month for 3 weeks so he can play with his best friend David. He will then start school again, do 20 days, and have a week break. I think this schedule will help Joshua and me also. We will continue to do it this way all year. Joshua really liked the idea and so did I. I think this will help him not to forget things he has just learned.
Joshua has now started French lessons also. Yesterday was his first lesson. His tutor taught him for 30 minutes, but when the time was up he wanted to do more! He thinks she is great because she knows all the French words for animals like whales and sharks, which is right down his alley.
Joshua does get to play a lot. Believe me, he does not study from morning to night! He is very busy making things out of mud, breaking up rocks, catching lizards, chasing pigs, and playing with David. We are very thankful that we can give him a life like this in Togo.
Please pray as Jesse and I raise Joshua for the Lord and that his life will glorify Him.