Saturday, June 20, 2009

Another cute girl

I was able to hold this little one, she played with my hair and my hands.

The cutest little girl

This little girl lives down the street from me, every time I pass by in the truck her brother and her and all of the other kids come running saying white person "ansai", they say it over and over again, well this little one does exactly what all the big kids do, only she is petite, she runs as fast as her little legs can carry her shouting "ansai ansai". She comes to the Bible Time every Sat with her brother, she loves coming and singing, I would love to hug on her and talk to her but, as soon as I come up to her she backs up, she is not to sure about my white skin, but oh man is she cute. Also, just today she got up and went over by our gate and went pee pee right in front of everyone, this is a very normal thing, the only problem is that it went everywhere poor thing, it was a little humorous, she thought she did a great job.


Yesterday I bought some fillet's of beef, I did not look at them until today, yuck yuck, I pulled out a fillet and it was about 1 1/2 feet long gross. It smelled, all the meat in Kara smells funny, but it tastes fine after you put tons of spices on it or in it. I think my definition of fillet is a little different from there's. I cut them up and I am going to be preparing kabobs, with onions, tomatoes and peppers. If you know of a good marinade homemade I would love it, it is for beef. Thanks.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Wahooooooo last day of school tomorrow!

Joshua did great this year in school he finished only two weeks late, he has worked really hard, and I am very proud of him. In one month we will be starting first grade, we are starting early because I do not want to be doing school during hot season. I am very excited about 1st grade.

Bible Time with the kids

This past Saturday I started with some friends a Bible Time with the kids in my neighborhood. Last week I told a few kids, but I knew that the news would spread, I told them that it would start at 10:00 am, at 9:00 they came to the door knocking asking if it was time to start, they were very excited about the Bible time, and so was I. When we started singing they came out of the wood work. We had between 25-30 kids and one dog and some adults, it was wonderful. The wife of one of the Pastors taught the lesson on creation, we had so much fun. We are looking forward to doing this Saturday, and continuing to do it every Saturday. If you would like to help with providing candy, that would be a blessing. Just e-mail me and we can talk about where to send them. In every bunch of kids you will have a trouble maker, well I have one, but for some reason, all he wants to do is to sit next to me, please pray that God will make a difference in his life, that we will see Him know Christ as his personal Savior.
Please pray that God would give the right words to the teacher and that the children and the adults in our area would see a difference in our lives, and just see Jesus.
Also please pray for Ester she lives across the road from me, I am becoming good friends with her and her little girl came on Saturday, please pray that the door will remain open, she is Catholic so please pray that she will realize as I talk to her that she needs a Savior. Also I have a friend in the Market that is Muslim, we have become friends, please pray that Yvette and I (Yvette is my house help and friend) will be able to speak with her about the gospel. I do not know how to spell her name.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Have you seen anything like this before, we went to a village near Dapaong and we saw this boy he really does have blue eyes, I did not do this with photo shop. I just found out he can not speak either.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

A lizard in my kitchen

The other day I was putting some dishes away, and I was grabbing a whole handful of silverware when a lizard jumped on my hand. You can just imagine what I did at this point, I screamed, I think I scared the lizard also it just sat on the sink, I tried to kill it with the dish soap bottle but it got away, now it is in my kitchen. I asked Jesse and Joshua to find it and put it outside, but no luck, they could not find it. About a hour later I was cooking some beans outside and brought the pot in and set it on the counter, I needed a spoon so when I went to pick it up guess who was sitting right next to my hand, yes my little friend, I saw that he went under the coffee pot so I knew his hideout. I called Jesse and Joshua, my heroes caught it and let it go outside, he has not been back since, I believe he is afraid of me.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Internet, no internet, wonderful fan, no wonderful fan.

Jesse and I had a wonderful ceiling fan installed 2 weeks ago, and the internet also, both I have enjoyed so very much. Well, the other night a storm came through and we had none, lightning hit the house and it fried the modem and the nice ceiling fan, the wonderful thing is the people replaced the modem for free and the fan needed to have the wires replaced which only cost $20, praise the Lord, at least we did not have to buy a new fan or buy a new modem. I am counting my blessings. I am very thankful we can have internet and fans, I am thankful we have electricity. What are you thankful for today?

Thursday, June 4, 2009

So very sorry.

I am very sorry for not writing more often, unfortunately we have not had internet for a little over 3 months and just recently have received internet. We have also been very busy with moving into our new home and I am finishing up kindergarten with Joshua, some days that is all I do, but I love teaching him and I love being a mommy.
Our house is coming along we have everything unpacked, but we just do not have a lot of things to put our belongings in or on, so we are having many things built, lucky us, it is amazing you can design your own furniture, I love it.
I am adjusting very well to Africa I love it. I do miss one thing, the convenience of all of the coffee places, but I do not drink a lot of coffee in Togo, because I am so stink-en hot. The heat has been another issue for me, I do not like to sweat, so when I see my arm's sweating my body temp rises about 10 degrees, heeeeee. I am adjusting, I keep telling myself don't sweat it. Cooking is coming along, I had it a little hard at the beginning, but I am doing fine, I have no complaints, maybe everyone else does but not me.
We have a hotel in town that has a pool, and for 2 dollars you can go all day and play in the pool, well I have never gone all day but I have gone for a few hours with Joshua, and I just sit in the pool, it is wonderful, I am cool I love this feeling.
The other day I was having a really bad day, I was not wanting to live in Africa anymore. The advent's of the day went like this. Jesse asked me to cut his hair, well we have to do this outside because we have to run the clippers on a generator. While I was cutting his hair I had sweat running down my back, the hair was sticking to my arms because my arms were sweating, and I had mosquitoes biting my ankles, and flies buzzing around my face and body. I was not in a very good mood as you could imagine. I had many things that I needed to do, unpacking basically. Well, I had had enough I had been unpacking all week and I was done, but did not know what to do about it, I was so hot and did not want to be in Africa, so what do you do? you go take a 20 min COLD shower, it felt great. After the shower my friend called and I asked her if she wanted to do something, we both were having a horrible day so we decided to go on a safari. What a great idea right, we had a wonderful time, and we felt like we had escaped Africa and unpacking for just a little time. We felt revived after that, and I have not had any problems since. Thank you Lord for a wonderful friend and for your wonderful creation.
Well this is a very long post and very different, I do apologize. I hope you see a glimpse of my life in Africa.
Highlight of today - I got my shower curtain hung up, it looks great.