Friday, January 22, 2010

Joshua's birthday

Joshua's birthday is coming up we are all excited. Joshua wants to have a peanut butter fight, I must explain. When you buy peanut butter in Kara it comes in little bags, they take all of the air out of the bags so they look like they are going to pop, Joshua wants to squeeze one so bad and have a peanut butter fight. I am not to sure about this. Maybe we should just stick with water balloons. If anyone has any ideas for games for a 7 year old birthday party just let me know.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A wonderful time with the ladies

This past Sunday I was given the opportunity to speak to some ladies at our church. I spoke on Genesis and the creation. I had a wonderful time and I pray that the Lord receives the glory for it.

After the meeting ended I told the ladies that I had something special for them. Now, I must explain something first; you must understand that these ladies are poor and the things that they can buy in Togo are usually very poor quality. I had two packages of ladies underwear that I was not going to be using so I gave each of them a pair. When I pulled the packages out of my purse a squeal came out from all of the woman, they were so excited! One of the oldest woman in the church told me she was going to try them on and show me! lol!

How much joy they received by getting just one pair of underwear. I spoke to one of the ladies today and she said she wore them yesterday and she said they fit great and that they are wonderful quality. Another chance to give and a great opportunity to receive joy.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Busted lip, infected ankle, fever, bruised bum......................

Busted lip, infected ankle, fever, bruised bum, all of things have happened to Joshua this week I hope this week ends quick or else I think we might need to put him in a bubble so he can not hurt himself anymore.

Busted lip - He fell out of chair right on his face on cement, he could not catch himself because his hands were in his pockets.

Infected ankle- A door hit his ankle and became infected this week.

Fever- Sunday morning he was not feeling good, by the end of the day he was so lethargic, and was running a high temperature and we thought he had malaria. We found out the next day he did not have malaria, praise the Lord.

Bruised bum- Tonight he was standing on a wooden stool, and he was to close to the edge and he fell right on the leg part of the stool ouch.

This was not a good week for Joshua. I hope he has a better one next week.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

I am truly amazed

I do not know how many times I have read Genesis chapter 1 and 2, but something happened today while I was studying, I thought of something that amazed me. Right now stop to think how our bodies work. God gave us woman the ability to give life to a child to provide food for the child, to walk down the street to pick up an object. All of these things and many many more He created in one day. This might sound foolish to many but I am amazed at the power and abilities He has. I praise God for the ability to take my next breath, the ability to glorify Him, He gives me the ability to do all of this, and He alone deserves the glory.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Giving is a wonderful thing

A friend of mine gave me some girls clothes for my neighbor, so I went over her house today and gave her some clothes for her nieces. When I arrived at her house the girls were so excited about the clothes, they started trying on the clothes and got so excited about it. One of the little girls started dancing and saying ya ya, she was so excited about the new clothes, she did not want to take the clothes off.
It was such a joy to see them try the clothes on and to see the smiles on their faces. I believe that giving is such a wonderful gift.