Friday, January 15, 2010

Busted lip, infected ankle, fever, bruised bum......................

Busted lip, infected ankle, fever, bruised bum, all of things have happened to Joshua this week I hope this week ends quick or else I think we might need to put him in a bubble so he can not hurt himself anymore.

Busted lip - He fell out of chair right on his face on cement, he could not catch himself because his hands were in his pockets.

Infected ankle- A door hit his ankle and became infected this week.

Fever- Sunday morning he was not feeling good, by the end of the day he was so lethargic, and was running a high temperature and we thought he had malaria. We found out the next day he did not have malaria, praise the Lord.

Bruised bum- Tonight he was standing on a wooden stool, and he was to close to the edge and he fell right on the leg part of the stool ouch.

This was not a good week for Joshua. I hope he has a better one next week.

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