Saturday, February 28, 2009

Some news from Togo

Today is Feb 28th and I have not written in so long, I am truly sorry. The adjustment to Africa has been on the easy side, I do not say that proudly, because I am not in my own house yet, not cooking my own meals, or keeping house. Also we are not in the hottest part of the hot season, a man just told Jesse last night that it will get hotter, it gets to a point that the only relief is in the morning for a few hours, thank you Lord for those few hours. Lately the heat has not been that bad, but the last few days have been brutal, I think the humidity is up so you feel sticky and wet all day. I look forward to my nightly cold shower every night.
Jesse and I started looking for a house as soon as we arrived, Jesse was able to look at one and it just was not for us, he found another house and set up a time to go and see it, it is wonderful, and perfect for us. It has 4 bedrooms and a wonderful kitchen and a beautiful living room, I am so thankful for what He has given us. They are beginning to work on the house now and we will be able to move in around April, or when ever the container arrives.
The container has had some delays, but I know that the Lord knows exactly when it needs to arrive. Please pray that I will be patient with the container, I sometimes feel like my whole life is in the container.
I was talking to one of my missionary friends and she was telling me about a woman that would be a great help to me in my house, her name is Yvette, I am so excited because she has a little boy named David who Joshua loves, he will be turning 7 this year but still close in age, they still like the same things. He comes over every Sat to play with Joshua and Joshua loves it. I am excited to about my future with Yvette, she is a single mom, her husband abandoned her and she has 4 children and she is a beautiful Christian. I am excited to see how God is going to use her in our family.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Finally in Togo

Feb 5th 2009
Today I left with the other missionaries for Togo, I can not wait to see all of the people I have heard so much about. The drive to Lome the capital city of Togo was about a 3 hour drive, it was not bad. When we all arrived at the boarder of Ghana and Togo, we had to walk across the boarder. I felt like it was a bunch of cattle being prodded forward, what a experience.
My feet are finally in Togo, what a wonderful feeling, all of us are going to stay in Lome for a few days and go grocery shopping. This is the place that I will be doing the majority of my shopping, especially for cheese and meat. I thought cheese was expensive in Quebec, it is about 15$ a pound. I think I will not be using a lot of cheese. Does anyone have a good recipe for cheese? Malerie?

Airplane trip

Feb 4th 2009
We are now on our flight to Nigeria, and on to Ghana, we will be meeting the Alderman’s and Jimmy, I can not wait to be in Africa the excitement is growing in all of us. The flight was so fast, I felt like we just took off and now we are landing. I stood in customs for about 45 min, but I had no problems. All of the luggage made it, Praise the Lord. As I left the airport I started looking for white faces in a sea of black faces, and I found them, what a welcoming, it was wonderful. I am finally reunited with my family in Africa.


Feb 3rd 2009
I started this morning at 5:30 am, it was a very early morning. The plane left at 10:30 am, going to San Francisco. Jesse, Joshua and I had a connecting 10 hour flight to Germany. When we settled on the plane we noticed a man that was acting strangely. A security guard was asking him for his passport, but he could not find it. The entire flight he was acting strange, he asked Jesse if he could use his cell phone, and he was asking strange questions and his carry on was a plastic and paper grocery sacs. I thought to my self wonderful we are never going to get to Africa, something is going to happen. He sang happy birthday to Joshua because they announced it over the loud speaker, and after that he passed out for the remaining of the flight.
The flight attendant’s gave Joshua a ice cream sundae for his birthday it was wonderful, he turned 6 today.