Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A very CRAZY five year old

Help me I am going crazy from all the noises that comes out of a 5 year old boy. If you have been around Joshua lately you will notice he talks and makes noises constantly. For some reason recently it has been driving me crazy. The other morning from 8:30 till 11:30 I believe he talked and made noises non-stop. Today I woke up and it was the same thing, I knew I could not take another day of it. I realized at that point I have been trying to do this on my own, I have not been allowing God be the mother in my place, at that time I gave it over to the Lord and let Him take my place. Amazingly it has been more peaceful. However it did not fix the non-stop talking or noises, matter of fact he is on the floor right now playing with a brush from a vacuum , making noises and talking to himself. That is the life of a 5 year old non-stop noises. I am learning to Love it.


Janell said...

Oh my word! I don't have a chatter box...but Payton does this thing with his voice and whines. He did it all day today while he followed me around everywhere! Sigh...sometimes I just have had it to here! I have not been really consistant with the signing but I started using a lot today. He has GOTTA use his words or I am gonna go CRAZY!!! LOL

sarah said...

I can't count how many times I have told Bryce that it is officially "quiet time"! My brain refuses to process the volumes of words that flows from his mouth. It is comforting to know that I'm not the only one who thinks that my child talks too much. What happens to these boys as they grow up? We women manage to outtalk men....at least we take time out to breathe between sentences.