Saturday, October 17, 2009

My sweet little friend Chris

This is Chris, he is the one with the infection on his leg, I checked his leg yesterday and it does not look any better, he has liquid coming out of it. I put him on a antibiotic I am beginning to think I should have been a nurse and a school teacher. I am continuing to put medicine on the wound, and am praying that it will get better. It is starting to look like a staff infection, this is very common hear, because it is so dirty. Yesterday when I checked his wound it had flies all over the bandage, and when I took it off I felt sick to my stomach. To answer the question about what Chris said about it moving, I think what he was saying was that it was throbbing, because of the infection.

1 comment:

Danie said...

OMG - what a poor little guy. But still so brave and even smiling for the camera... Hope his leg is getting better soon!