Saturday, March 20, 2010

Two precious miracles

Today I went to the hospital to visit my friend who just had a precious baby today. The baby was so tiny and cute and my friend looked wonderful, especially after just having had a baby. I saw anther lady in the room with a small little bundle close to her. It was another little miracle. After a few minutes I discovered that they did not have any water at the hospital, so my friend decided she wanted to go home. Okay, at that moment I was thinking "no way, you just had this baby at 11:00 it is only 4:00, are you crazy??" But I managed to keep my shock to myself and agreed to take them home. As we were packing things up in the truck the family members of the other lady in the room came to me and asked if I would take the baby and the grandma home for them. I asked how the mother was getting home and they said she'd be taking a motor cycle. I said no, that I would wait for her and she could come with me in the truck. Can you imagine having just given birth to a baby and the same day hopping up on on a motorcycle in Togo?
If you have never been to a third world country let me draw you a picture: the roads, especially the one that the hospital is on, is like a dirt biking track in the woods. The road is like a dried up river bed with ruts and rocks in the ground. You can imagine that it would make it very painful for the new mother. So, I became the taxi for two precious little miracles today and the mommas. I hope to visit the other momma since I know where she lives and bring her some soap. I thank the Lord for situations like this. I know it was not mistake. Please pray for my friend, Esther, that I may share with her the truth about Christ and His love.

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