Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Spreading God's Word!

One of the big parts of our ministry is making sure the men and woman who come through our training are equipped with the appropriate tools to spread God's Word throughout Togo. Because the majority of people they work with are illiterate, we must get the Bible onto radios so that they can listen to Scripture. That sounds easy, right? Well, Togo has over 40 different languages, so you can imagine the work that must be put it to making this possible!

The primary tool our students use to spread the gospel is called Good News. It has a book with pictures in it, and the chronological Scripture stories they are listening to go along with the pictures. We have two languages, Moba and Tamberma, that need the lessons recorded for the people in these regions to hear the gospel.

We are asking for help to make this happen, so we have started a GoFundMe page asking for $550 which will be used to pay recording fees as well as transportation and food for the translators. The recording team will begin on October 18. To know that so many people will be hearing God's Word in their native language is so exciting. This will open so many doors into many villages and homes. Please pray about supporting this opportunity to spread His word more in Togo.

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