Monday, October 20, 2008

A very handsome boy.

I am very blessed, God has given Jesse and I a wonderful son. I am so thankful for Joshua, he is such a joy. Just the other day Joshua was asking Jesse about cigarettes and why we don't smoke. Jesse was explaining to him that it is not good for your lungs and your body. He was also explaining to him how it can become a habit, Joshua sat and thought about it. After a few min he told Jesse that is why we did not buy the computer game, because it would become a habit and we would not be able to stop playing it, Jesse said that is right. He was talking about a computer game that they play together sometimes.  
He amazes me, how he has this ability to figure things out, he had also made a comment about when you make a choice it affects your life. I think he is getting it. I am so proud of him. I love him so much. 

1 comment:

Janell said...

He is soooo cute! I love how he thinks through everything! I miss you guys!